The Podcast Space

Your Podcast is more than just 'content' - it can be the most powerful tool in your business!

This show explains exactly the systems and strategies you need to implement to get there, without overwhelm. Hosted by Podcast Content Strategist and Award-Winning Marketeer, Ana Xavier, The Podcast Space is an actionable, ethical, and 'imperfect' show that will teach you how to better market your podcast!

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77. 10 Pros and Cons of Podcast Seasons for Business Owners, Plus Why I’m Pivoting My Own Podcast

77. 10 Pros and Cons of Podcast Seasons for Business Owners, Plus Why I’m Pivoting My Own Podcast

Can podcast seasons boost your business?

Or do you start from scratch every time a new season releases?

Or maybe you're wondering if podcast seasons must be incredibly well-produced and costly, and if it would be better to stick to episodic, less structured content.

In this episode, I’m breaking down the pros and cons of choosing podcast seasons over episodic formats. And why, as we hit episode 77 of The Podcast Space, I am transitioning from an episodic podcast to seasons.

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76. How podcast coaching and strategy helped my client Fanny Dunagan win an award, reduce overwhelm and scale the podcast

76. How podcast coaching and strategy helped my client Fanny Dunagan win an award, reduce overwhelm and scale the podcast

Do you wish you could optimize and scale your podcast processes so that when you're looking at your show, you actually feel excited to hit record, publish, and talk to your guests, rather than feeling like a bottleneck of your processes? This episode breaks down the inspirational transformation my Podcast Power Hour client Fanny Dunagan experienced after working with me, including winning awards and harnessing the power of delegation to speed up growth.

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73. How in-person events can help you increase your downloads & influence by 10-25%

73. How in-person events can help you increase your downloads & influence by 10-25%

Are in-person conferences worth it? Is there any value for podcasters to attend these events apart from getting FOMO from social media?

Are offline events the secret to growing your influence in podcast downloads? In short, yes. But in this episode, I’ll be breaking down specifically, how I consistently get a 10 to 25% download increase weeks after these events take place. Ready to dive in? Press play!

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72. Should You Transition Your Podcast to Video? A Quick Guide

72. Should You Transition Your Podcast to Video? A Quick Guide

As YouTube and video podcasts become more prominent, you may ask yourself:

Should I re-record my entire content catalog into a video format? Or should I just start from where I am and move forward? Or none of these makes sense and you want a third optionβ€”a hybrid approach.

This episode breaks down how to make a strategic and sustainable strategy, and how to leverage a β€˜blue ocean strategy’ to stand out online.

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71. How podcasts can turn hosts into agents of change for themselves and their communities
Content, Mindset, Impostor Syndrome Ana Xavier Content, Mindset, Impostor Syndrome Ana Xavier

71. How podcasts can turn hosts into agents of change for themselves and their communities

Have you ever wondered if by creating podcast episodes you're adding to the internet noise... or perhaps you're lacking motivation because you're not having the ripple effects you were expecting with your content?

In this episode I’ll share how podcasts can become effective tools for change during times of personal, social, and political unrest.

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69. The 2 reasons why people listen to podcasts (Pros and cons and strategies for hosts)

69. The 2 reasons why people listen to podcasts (Pros and cons and strategies for hosts)

Have you ever wondered why people tune in to podcasts?

What makes them hit that subscribe button and eagerly await each new episode? In this episode, we will delve into the two main reasons why people listen to podcasts, explore the pros and cons of each approach, and uncover some valuable tips for creating a successful podcast that resonates with your audience.

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67. What happens when you go viral on social media? A Guide for Podcasters

67. What happens when you go viral on social media? A Guide for Podcasters

In social media, going viral can be both a dream and a nightmare, depending on your perspective. Some crave fame and attention, while others fear the potential negative repercussions that come with sudden stardom. But what does it really mean to go viral, and how can you navigate the complexities and benefits for your podcast that come with it?

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66. Podcast Interviews: 5 key elements most hosts get wrong

66. Podcast Interviews: 5 key elements most hosts get wrong

In podcasting, interviews play a crucial role in engaging audiences and creating meaningful connections. As a podcaster, it's essential to understand the intricacies of conducting successful interviews to keep your listeners hooked and your content valuable. In this episode, we will look into the five common mistakes podcasters often make during interviews and how to avoid them.

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65. The Future of Podcasting according to Podcast Movement Evolutions 2024 (Main Takeaways and Trends)
Content, Marketing, Podcast Growth, Sales Ana Xavier Content, Marketing, Podcast Growth, Sales Ana Xavier

65. The Future of Podcasting according to Podcast Movement Evolutions 2024 (Main Takeaways and Trends)

Finding the perfect balance between providing valuable free content and driving sales can be a challenging task for most business owners. Are you giving away too much free content on your podcast? Could it be decreasing sales? These are common questions that many podcasters ponder.

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63. Elevate Your Interviews to Host Unforgettable Podcast Conversations, with Sarah Heeter

63. Elevate Your Interviews to Host Unforgettable Podcast Conversations, with Sarah Heeter

Are you looking to up your podcast interview game and captivate your audience from start to finish? In this episode, we will dive into a comprehensive guide on how to conduct impactful and engaging podcast interviews. From avoiding common mistakes to leveraging storytelling and audience connection, we will help you elevate your interviews and leave a lasting impression on your listeners.

To honor Women’s National History Month, I decided to share the mic with my friend podcast producer and strategist Sarah Heeter, founder of PodFox Media to share her best tips on how to craft unforgettable podcast conversations.

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62. How to turn 'freebie seekers' into podcast downloads, money-making ideas, and more online visibility

62. How to turn 'freebie seekers' into podcast downloads, money-making ideas, and more online visibility

Do you often find yourself being approached for free advice as a small business owner or industry leader? It's a common scenario that many of us face, where people seek our expertise without considering the value of our time and knowledge. In a world where business may be slow or not going as expected, it can be frustrating to constantly offer free advice. But what if I told you that there's a way to turn these interactions into opportunities for growth and standing out online?

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61. How long should a podcast episode be? It depends.

61. How long should a podcast episode be? It depends.

In the bustling world of podcasts, one burning question plagues both creators and listeners alike: What is the perfect podcast episode length? The quest for an ideal duration can be daunting, but fear not, as I bring forth invaluable insights in episode 61. Let's delve into the realm of podcast episode lengths and the nuances surrounding them.

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60. Vocal Care Tips for Podcasters during Cold and Allergy Seasons, with Vocal Coach Nic Redman
Content, Voice Ana Xavier Content, Voice Ana Xavier

60. Vocal Care Tips for Podcasters during Cold and Allergy Seasons, with Vocal Coach Nic Redman

Are you a podcaster who struggles with nasal sounds or finds it challenging to maintain vocal health while recording episodes during cold or allergy seasons?

Fear no more, as we’ve invited our vocal health expert, Nic Redman, to join us in this episode of The Podcast Space to delve into essential tips and insights on how podcasters can overcome nasal sounds, stay healthy, and record with minimal issues. Stay tuned until the end as Nic shares a real-time exercise to drain our sinus and bring more relief to your recordings!

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59. How to stay motivated when you can't yet see the impact of your podcast

59. How to stay motivated when you can't yet see the impact of your podcast

Have you ever felt discouraged because you couldn't see the impact of your podcast?

You're not alone.

As a podcaster, it's common to go through ups and downs, feeling like you're shouting into the void at times. But remember, success in podcasting is a marathon, not a sprint. In this episode, we'll explore practical tools to help you stay motivated when you can't see the immediate impact of your podcast.

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58. Episode Case Studies That Convert: 3 Key Elements for Customer Conversion Success

58. Episode Case Studies That Convert: 3 Key Elements for Customer Conversion Success

As a podcaster, you may have been struggling to convert your podcast listeners into buying customers. You're not alone. Many podcast hosts find it challenging to make sales because they are hesitant to mention their products and services on their show. But there's a missing piece from your podcast content strategy that can significantly impact your conversion rate - case studies.

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