74. Podcast Listening Habits Revealed: Insights to Better Grow Your Show

Podcasts are more popular than ever, transcending generations, countries, races, and backgrounds. So you might be wondering, "Okay, people are listening, but where and when are they tuning in? And how can I optimize my podcast for growth?"

That's exactly what we'll dive into today. I'm Ana Xavier, a podcast marketing expert, here to break down actionable insights you can apply to your show and understand your audience better.

Evaluating Podcast Audience Listening Habits

If you’re listening to this in real time, it's June, and summer is knocking on the door. You might be asking, "Should I release new episodes or take a break to optimize my processes and learn more about my audience?" The answer hinges on understanding where your listeners are and how to keep them engaged.

In this episode, I delve into two reports: the Podcast Consumer Report by Edison Research (released in May 2024) and the 2023 Podcast Edition of the Fan Study by Spotify for Podcasters.

Podcast Audience Behavior Across the Year

Research indicates that podcast consumption is influenced by specific times of the year, and the key periods for gaining new listeners include January, March, July, and October. These months coincide with specific life events and seasonal changes, making them prime times for listener engagement.

January and March: The start of a new year and spring often bring renewed interest in learning and self-improvement, leading to increased podcast consumption.

July: Summertime shifts routines, often due to vacations or slower work periods, resulting in altered listening habits and the potential for new podcast discoveries.

October: The last quarter of the year motivates people to reflect on their goals, sparking interest in new content that can help them achieve year-end objectives. Research also advises against releasing new shows in November due to the busy holiday season, which can make acquiring new listeners more challenging.

Spotify Fan Study, Podcast Audience fluctuation across the year, CC: Spotify For Podcasters

Leveraging Audience Data

Understanding podcast consumption habits can significantly impact your marketing strategies. For example, Spotify's study shows that podcasts are predominantly consumed during weekdays, peaking during commute times at 8 AM and 5 PM. Weekend listening is lesser, but spikes mainly around 11 AM and 12 PM, especially for entertainment and family content. This data suggests that educational and wellness podcasts peak in the mornings, while entertainment gains traction in the evenings. Knowing this can help you tailor your release schedule and marketing efforts.

Spotify Fan Study, Podcast Audience fluctuation across the year, CC: Spotify For Podcasters

Enhancing Podcast Discoverability

Capturing and retaining listeners requires strategic content and promotion - one that goes beyond the simple β€˜New episode is out’ type of post!

Consider implementing the following:

  1. Use Hashtags and Keywords: Use relevant hashtags to increase discoverability and target new listeners.

  2. Promote Your Podcast Regularly: Regularly promote your podcast across social media platforms. A simple, yet consistent shoutout can significantly impact your listener numbers. Think about the last time you actually asked people to subscribe to your podcast or newsletter - it probably doesn’t happen as frequently as it should!

  3. Collaborate and tag other creators: Cross-promote with other creators, especially those who have engaged audiences. Tag them in your posts to increase visibility.

  4. Optimize SEO: Create thorough show notes and include keywords that help your podcast appear in online search results. Utilize tools like Google Search Console to track and understand your audience's preferences.

  5. Engage Directly with your audience: Ask your audience about their listening habits. Direct engagement can provide invaluable insights.

    The Rise of Video Podcasts

Video podcasts are gaining traction, with comedy, society, culture, and business genres leading the charge. Although Spotify's new video upload feature doesn't currently (as of June 2024) add to your analytics, it can still increase your visibility on platforms like YouTube. Staying adaptable to these trends can keep your podcast relevant.

Key Takeaways from The Podcast Consumer 2024 by Edison Research

Listeners are spending more time than ever with podcasts, with 23% dedicating 10 hours or more weekly.

Understanding demographics can help tailor your content:

  • People aged 13 and above are spending more time listening, up from 2% in 2014 to 11% in 2024.

  • Diversity is increasing, with 48% of Black Americans and 43% of Latino Americans enjoying podcasts, and 45% of women listening monthly. These listeners are often highly educated and have higher incomes, making them an attractive audience for advertisers.


Listeners tend to engage more during weekdays, with commute times being prime listening windows.

January, March, July, and October are pivotal for acquiring new listeners so it’s key that podcasters don’t sleep on strategies

By understanding and strategically leveraging this data, you can enhance your marketing efforts, grow your audience, and retain loyal listeners. If you want to learn more and aren't sure where to start, head to [thepodcastspace.com](http://thepodcastspace.com) to see how I can help you grow your podcast influence. For more tips and discussions, follow me on Instagram @thepodcastspace or drop me a DM. Let’s grow together and keep creating content that moves us forward. Happy podcasting!


  • 00:00 Introduction to Podcast Audience Behaviors

  • 00:45 Understanding Podcast Audience Behavior

  • 01:07 Key Reports and Studies about Podcast Audiences

  • 02:31 Seasonal Podcast Listening Trends

  • 07:28 Optimizing Content for New Podcast Listeners

  • 08:01 Using Social Media to Grow Podcast Audiences

  • 10:27 Cross-Promotion Strategies for Podcasters

  • 11:12 Creating Engaging Show Notes

  • 12:02 Weekly Podcasting Listening Patterns

  • 18:58 Recap and Final Thoughts

Additional Resources mentioned in the episode:

Resources mentioned in the episode:

πŸ’Έ Affiliate links:

Captivate.fm (Best Podcast Hosting platform)- https://bit.ly/3ZFbvjQ

Riverside.fm (Record high-quality interviews)- https://bit.ly/46C7A9E

Custom Neon (Neon sign) - 10% OFF https://bit.ly/48G5Aiq use code THEPODCASTSPACE10 


Hi, I’m Ana Xavier, a multilingual award-winning podcast marketing and content strategist specialized in generating online visibility for women, multilingual, and minority impact-driven business owners.

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75. How to create a podcast that is relevant all year long + 1 secret strategy


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