78. Marketing, Metrics, and Mindset: A Season 2 Preview And 3 Big News You Can't Miss

The Podcast Space is back! Well… almost.

Before launching Season 2 on October 2nd, 2024, I thought I’d give a glimpse of what happened in between seasons and why it’s important to incorporate passive marketing strategies alongside your active marketing efforts in order to grow your podcast.

Can You Get Podcast Downloads Without Actively Marketing It?

I often get asked, "What would happen if I didn't promote my podcast at all?" In this episode, I'll share what I found when I tested this out on my podcast between Seasons 1 and 2 of the show.

I'll discuss the impact on my downloads, traffic, retention, brand, and social media.

I wanted to create a season preview about what the new season will bring while telling you what happens if you neglect podcast promotion. By doing so, I also hope to help you avoid seeing zero downloads on that dashboard—a traumatic scenario for any podcaster. I understand the effort put into creating a show, only to have no listeners can be disheartening. So, let's dive into this topic and discuss a few big changes happening behind the scenes.

The Consequences of Not Promoting Your Podcast

What happens if you decide not to promote your podcast at all? I did a little experiment—I did mention the podcast once in a newsletter—but for almost three months, I didn't promote it on social media or through my newsletter, except for that one time. So, what happened?

I looked at the data right before recording this episode and here's what I found:

  1. Shift in Platform Use: There was a notable shift in platform use. While Spotify has seen growth among users, especially where Android is more prevalent, my US-based audience primarily uses Apple devices. This shift was surprising and suggests behavioral (or audience) changes among listeners, with Spotify launching new features contributing to this change.

  2. Analysis of the Data: Comparing an almost 90-day period of not promoting my podcast to the previous 90-day period, I saw a 30% drop in downloads and unique listeners. This number is interesting as it held consistent across downloads and unique listeners.

  3. Impact on Video Content: The impact was also felt on YouTube, where I had lower view durations and 40% fewer views compared to the previous period. Google continued to drive traffic to my podcast pages due to SEO optimizations, ensuring a steady stream of new traffic. However, without promotion, this viewership decreased.

  4. Consumption Impact: There was also a decline in consumption, with listeners not engaging as deeply with the episodes. This is consistent with attracting "cold traffic" – new audiences unfamiliar with my content.

  5. Inactive Status on Platforms: My podcast showed as inactive on some platforms, which could discourage potential sponsors or new listeners who want active content creators. Despite this, I continued to receive numerous pitches for guest spots, despite not featuring guests for a while.

Embracing Major Changes

Now, let's discuss some exciting news I previously shared on Instagram.

Initially, I planned for about 20 episodes of solos and interviews, but I've decided against it. I'm moving from Dallas, Texas to Bentonville, Arkansas due to my husband's job! To ensure consistency, I've pre-recorded all content in my office. This means a consistent look and sound for the show - something extremely important if you’re trying to create a professional image of your show.

The Three M's: Marketing, Metrics, and Mindset

The theme for this season is very strategic: Marketing, Metrics, and Mindset. These elements are crucial and interrelated. During my coaching and consulting sessions, I often see clients benefitting from adjustments in these areas. Here’s a peek into the topics we’ll cover:

  1. Passively Attracting and Converting Listeners: Learn how to enhance your podcast profile and attract listeners without aggressive promotion.

  2. Crucial Podcast Metrics: Discover the top three podcast metrics that every business owner should track to grow their show—and no, it isn't just about the downloads!

  3. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Understand how limiting beliefs can stifle your podcast’s growth and what steps to take to overcome these barriers.

This season will feature ten episodes. I invite you to sign up for The Podcast Space newsletter to receive these episodes directly in your inbox through our RSS automation.


  • 00:00 - Welcome Back to Season Two!

  • 00:32 - Season Preview and Podcast Promotion Insights

  • 01:44 - Analyzing the Impact of Minimal Promotion

  • 02:15 - Shifts in Platform Use and Listener Behavior

  • 04:34 - Traffic Sources and SEO Strategies

  • 05:51 - Challenges and Lessons Learned

  • 07:41 - Exciting Changes and Future Plans

  • 11:08 - Conclusion and Next Steps

Expanding the Podcast Space

Lastly, we’re enhancing how The Podcast Space looks and feels.

We're aiming for a better user experience on our website with customized support sections for independent podcasters, business owners, and agencies. This process will span multiple quarters, but it’s very exciting!

The Podcast Space has been running since 2020, and like any first business, it’s seen its share of pivots and growth. If you’re an agency owner, expect new collaboration opportunities as well. I’ll share more details in future episodes.

I hope this preview of what’s to come in season two excites and informs you. Visit thepodcastspace.com for customized support if you’re feeling stuck and need an outside perspective.

Episode 1 of Season 2 will drop on October 2nd. As always, keep creating imperfect content that moves you forward. See you in the next episode!

Additional Resources mentioned in the episode:

Resources mentioned in the episode:

💸 Affiliate links:

Captivate.fm (Best Podcast Hosting platform)- https://bit.ly/3ZFbvjQ

Riverside.fm (Record high-quality interviews)- https://bit.ly/46C7A9E

Custom Neon (Neon sign) - 10% OFF https://bit.ly/48G5Aiq use code THEPODCASTSPACE10 


Hi, I’m Ana Xavier, a multilingual award-winning podcast marketing and content strategist specialized in generating online visibility for women, multilingual, and minority impact-driven business owners.

Want to keep learning?
Check these episodes next…


S2 79. Passing the Vibe Check: Passively Marketing Your Podcast Through Your Podcast Profile


77. 10 Pros and Cons of Podcast Seasons for Business Owners, Plus Why I’m Pivoting My Own Podcast