70. The Dos and Don’ts of Giveaways to Grow your Podcast Audience

Are you considering hosting a giveaway to grow your podcast audience and increase engagement?

Giveaways are a popular strategy among creators to attract new listeners and reward their existing audience. In this episode, we will delve into the dos and don'ts of hosting podcast giveaways, sharing valuable insights and tips to help you strategize and execute successful giveaways.

Giveaways can be a powerful tool to not only boost audience numbers but also to foster engagement and loyalty among listeners. Whether you are a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, incorporating giveaways into your podcast marketing strategy can have a significant impact on your growth and engagement metrics.

If you follow The Podcast Space on Instagram, you may have seen that I recently ran my own Giveaway to celebrate 2 fun milestones: hitting 3,000 unique listeners, and 10,000 downloads on audio platforms since launching the podcast in January 2023.

Don’ts of Giveaway Strategies (for podcast growth)

  • Baked-In Giveaways: Instead of integrating giveaways directly into podcast episodes, use dynamic ads to promote the giveaway and provide clear instructions for participation.

  • Follow Trends Blindly: Avoid running a giveaway just because competitors are doing it. Ensure that your giveaway strategy is aligned with your brand and audience expectations.

  • Highly Complex Tasks: Refrain from creating overly complicated tasks with high friction levels for participants. Keep the entry process simple and easy to encourage maximum participation.

  • Don’t Consider Audience Expectations: Ensure that the giveaway prize and tasks align with what your audience values and expects from your podcast. Avoid misaligning the giveaway with your brand and content.

Dos of Giveaway Strategies (for podcast growth)

  • Include a Dynamic Ad: Utilize dynamic ads within your audio podcast to promote the giveaway. Make it easy for listeners to access giveaway details by providing clear instructions and trackable links in the show notes.

  • Consider the ROI: Evaluate the value of the giveaway for both your audience and yourself. Ensure that the giveaway aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience to drive meaningful engagement.

  • Minimize Friction: Make it easy for participants to enter the giveaway by reducing unnecessary barriers. Simplify the entry process and ensure that the tasks required are straightforward and relevant to your audience.

  • Create Excitement: Offer prizes that are valuable and appealing to your audience. Consider what would genuinely excite and benefit your listeners, beyond just the basic wants and needs.

  • Understand Audience Behavior: Tailor your giveaway strategy to align with the behaviors and preferences of your audience. Consider their personalities and daily routines to create a giveaway that resonates with them on a personal level.


Hosting a successful podcast giveaway requires careful planning, thoughtful execution, and a deep understanding of your audience.

By following these dos and avoiding the don'ts outlined in this episode, you can create engaging and rewarding giveaways that not only attract new listeners but also strengthen the connection with your existing audience. Remember to stay true to your brand, consider the value proposition for both participants and yourself, and prioritize simplicity and audience alignment in your giveaway strategy.

With a well-executed giveaway, you can enhance your podcast's reach, engagement, and overall impact in the digital space. If you're looking to take your podcast growth to the next level and explore effective marketing strategies, consider incorporating podcast giveaways into your promotional arsenal. Keep experimenting, engaging with your audience, and striving for meaningful connections through your podcast content.


  • 00:00 How Giveaways can be used for Audience Growth

  • 00:52 The Don'ts of Running a Giveaway

  • 09:27 Strategic Do's for Successful Giveaways

  • 21:42 My Personal Giveaway Experience: Insights and Outcomes

  • 27:49 Recap and Final Thoughts on Giveaways

  • 29:30 Podcast Growth Strategies and Closing Remarks

Additional episodes:

Resources mentioned in the episode:

💸 Affiliate links:

Captivate.fm (Best Podcast Hosting platform)- https://bit.ly/3ZFbvjQ

Riverside.fm (Record high-quality interviews)- https://bit.ly/46C7A9E

Custom Neon (Neon sign) - 10% OFF https://bit.ly/48G5Aiq use code THEPODCASTSPACE10 


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69. The 2 reasons why people listen to podcasts (Pros and cons and strategies for hosts)