S2 81. The roadmap to becoming the go-to leader without needing a big following

Earlier this year, you dreamed big and had ambitious goals. Perhaps you had a vision board filled with KPIs and aspirations, like becoming a go-to expert online, landing opportunities for your business and podcast, interviewing industry leaders, or making strides towards your lifelong goal of leaving a legacy. But where do you really stand now?

While these dreams sometimes feel overwhelming, I genuinely believe every business owner and leader has the capacity to reach these goals, regardless of their audience size. This belief forms the core of today's podcast episode, where I delve into practical steps to achieve your dreams, even with a limited audience online.

Change Your Setup To Change Your Mindset?

Sometimes, altering your approach can do wonders. This week, I switched things up a bit to create a different vibe. For those of us with podcasts and leadership aspirations in our industry, it’s crucial not to be held back by unfounded fears or analysis paralysis. Action is essential.

I invite you to think about the leaders you admire and consider this: My social media presence isn't vast, but I've achieved considerable goals and helped others do the same with a clear framework.

Focus on Action for Real Impact

Far too often, podcasters and leaders feel they must do everything perfectly. There's no "right" way without experimentation. The fear of not being ready, needing more followers, or having perfect equipment can delay our progress. I urge you to consider what your future self would appreciate today.

By owning our vulnerability in experimentation, we can make it to our desired goals. For instance, collaborating with peers, getting featured in media, or participating as public speakers are all achievable steps.

Courageous and committed action over Perfection

Regardless of your audience size, action begins with mindset. Leaders didn't achieve their dreams by staying in their comfort zones. Consider sending out that nerve-wracking email today. What feels like a risk now could open doors tomorrow.

A client of mine shared how sending her first email took five hours, but each subsequent message got easier. The hardest step is the first one.

Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses as a Host and Business Owner

A successful business owner understands their strengths and weaknesses. This understanding shapes the path to results. Take action according to your strengths, whether that's writing or speaking.

Entrepreneurship is an unexpected journey of introspection. A podcast can amplify this journey, pushing everything to full speed.


  • 00:00 Changing Things Up

  • 01:50 Taking Action and Overcoming Fears

  • 03:45 Honoring Your Future Self

  • 05:49 Mindset and Achieving Goals

  • 08:57 Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses

  • 11:27 Becoming Visible and Proactive

  • 13:39 Showcasing Your Expertise

  • 14:08 Sharing Client Success Stories

  • 14:49 Emphasizing Values in Content

  • 15:53 Simplifying Content Creation

  • 16:58 Leveraging Peer Content

  • 18:35 Becoming a Thought Leader by Association

  • 19:20 Building Relationships for Opportunities

  • 20:52 Encouraging Proactive Leadership

  • 21:43 Taking Courageous Action

  • 23:22 Invitation to Collaborate

  • 23:37 Final Thoughts and Next Steps

Visibility and Presence in Your Community

Wanting to be featured on a major platform requires visibility. If you wish to be recognized as an industry leader or speaker, be proactive. Submit speaking applications, and leverage your podcast for visibility.

Opportunities often arise through nurturing relationships. Join or contribute to your community rather than work in isolation.

Share Your Expertise and Values

How do you talk about your work? Your expertise? Most people either overshare unrelated content or stay silent about their professional journey. Overcoming this challenge means sharing your values and work consistently.

A great way to stay engaged without overwhelming yourself is to recycle and adapt existing content. Reference existing works, peer achievements, or timely events to stay relevant without starting from scratch.

Build Influence Through Association

Becoming a thought leader can happen by association. Engage with established brands and communities. Forming connections can open opportunities like speaking engagements or newsletter features.

It takes courage to make that pitch, but the potential recognition makes it worthwhile. Even if your audience is small, proactive engagement with larger platforms establishes authority.

Convertkit feature on their Featured Creators 

Conclusion: Stop Waiting, Start Acting

Stop saying, “I can't do this yet.” Your future self will thank you for the action you take today. You can leave a legacy and lead right now. It’s about consistency, courage, and seizing opportunities.

So, reach out, build your influence, and cherish imperfect steps forward. Visit my website, thepodcastbase.com, to schedule a call and start growing your impact now. Audience size doesn’t determine success—actions do.

Related Episodes:

Resources mentioned in the episode:

💸 Affiliate links:

Captivate.fm (Best Podcast Hosting platform)- https://bit.ly/3ZFbvjQ

Riverside.fm (Record high-quality interviews)- https://bit.ly/46C7A9E

Custom Neon (Neon sign) - 10% OFF https://bit.ly/48G5Aiq use code THEPODCASTSPACE10 

Kit (Newsletter Provider) - https://partners.convertkit.com/thepodcastspace


Hi, I’m Ana Xavier, a multilingual award-winning podcast marketing and content strategist specialized in generating online visibility for women, multilingual, and minority impact-driven business owners.

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