Why Your Podcast Intro Needs A Refresh

Every so often we’re compelled to assess our work and it’s only natural to feel the need to revisit our starting point and re goal. Podcasting is no different: this body of (online) work allows both Hosts and Editors to understand their first mistakes and fears, and to compare those with current episodes’ performance.

If you record, edit and publish your own Podcast, the process of analyzing yourself may be just a bit trickier: humans tend to either suffer from impostor syndrome and second guess ourselves frequently, or we’re too much ‘in the weeds’ to see opportunities for improvement. Even if you’re a self-improvement aficionado with a tendency to create processes, templates and checklists for the planning and execution of your Podcast, then you may want to take a moment to stop. You may be missing something *REALLY* important in your process: Your Intro.

As your Podcast intro file is your audio ‘Business card’, what kind of impression does it give?

When was the last time that you truly listened to your first intro audio file? Most likely, the answer is: a long time ago.

Why Your Podcast Intro Needs A Refresh.png

Answer these questions out loud to know if an update is due:

🔍 Is the content of that intro still true and relevant to the time that we live in?

🔍 Is your Podcast still keeping the same structure as the first couple episodes?

🔍 Is the quality of the audio as good as your show’s main audio or was it recorded using the equipment you had at hand at the time?

🔍 Is the audio file mixed to the standard that you edit and mix your audio now?

🔍 Is the music in the audio matching the energy of the show?

🔍 Does it represent of your abilities of a host now?

🔍 … and finally, does it really show how confident you are today or can you hear the nervousness and stiffness of the first attempts at speaking to the microphone?

If you’ve answered ‘NO’ to more than one question, you need to start working on a new one.

Make it fun and interesting and you may want to include snippets from previous shows or sounds effects. Make a couple options and share it with your audience: they’ll love to be part of the decision-making process and will be more invested in your show.

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