Have you added your Podcast to these popular RSS directories?
If you’re launching your podcast, or if you’ve been podcasting for a few years now, you want to ensure that your show is available where your audience is, and that may change over time. Plus, with new platforms entering the market each year, you want to stay up to date with the new tools and destinations!
For new shows:
If you’re just launching your podcast (and you’re in a rush!), here are the major podcast platforms (as of 2021) that you need to ensure your podcast is added to:
Apple Podcasts
YouTube Podcasts
iHeart Radio
For more seasoned podcasters:
If you’ve been podcasting for a while, you may notice that your podcast is available in places you never knew existed. This is because most platforms actually add shows through the Apple Podcasts directory.
While the most popular podcast hosting platforms -PodBean, Spreaker, Transistor, Libsyn, Buzzsprout - already have built in buttons that allow you to add your show to most directories, you should still check these platforms, and CLAIM your show so that listening analytics are more accurate!
Amazon Music
Let’s start with Amazon Music, because with over 50 million Echo devices out there in the world, you want to be included on their default podcast platform! Many cars have Alexa functionality as well, meaning listeners can start a podcast at home and effortless continue listening in their car. Convenience = more downloads!
To submit your RSS feed you’ll need to either create an Amazon account, or if you are an Amazon customer already, just log in using your own credentials: https://podcasters.amazon.com
Apple Podcasts
Apple Podcasts - do I need to say more? Apple has made their name synonymous with tech and has been one of the top two podcast platforms in listenership since day one. You definitely want to be on this platform.
Submit your RSS feed using a new or existing account, just remember that while submitting your podcast is free, you’ll need to ensure you have a payment method available in the account : https://podcastsconnect.apple.com
Add my Podcast
Add my Podcast is a service that adds your show to multiple podcast platforms (including Pod Addict). This platform includes multiple European destinations.
Submit your RSS feed: https://addmypodcast.com/submit
Not to be confused with editing software Audacity, Audacy can take up to 60 days from submission to display.
Submit your RSS feed through: https://www.audacy.com/podcast-submission
Black Podcasting
For black creators or creators celebrating Black culture who are looking to be featured on the platform, submit your feed: https://blackpodcasting.com/submit-podcasts
If you’re looking to engage German listeners, make sure your show is added.
Submit your RSS feed: https://fyyd.de/add-feed
iHeart Radio
Depending on which segment of the population you’re in, you may learn that a lot of your audience may actually use the iHeart Radio app to listen to their favorite podcasts!
Submit your show: https://podcasters.iheart.com
For Pandora, you may have to wait weeks, to months before your podcast is added to their directory.
Submit your RSS feed: https://www.ampplaybook.com/podcasts
Pocket Casts
Submit your show to Pocket Casts simply by adding your RSS feed: https://www.pocketcasts.com/submit
Podcast Addict
If you haven’t added your podcast to Add my Podcast, make sure you add it individually to this platform.
Submit your RSS feed: https://podcastaddict.com/submit
While Podchaser adds podcasts via Apple podcasts, you should claim your podcast via this platform to track listener behavior.
Claim yours: https://www.podchaser.com/add
Player FM
Player FM is an independent podcast app, which according to its descriptions is a “top directory and library with over 20+ million free podcasts.” They heavily promote offline listening, so your audience can listen anywhere, anytime.
Add yours: https://player.fm
By adding or claiming your show on Spotify, you’ll get instant access to up to date stats and audience data.
Claim your show: https://podcasters.spotify.com
Add your show to the 100,000 Global Radio Stations & Podcasts on the TuneIn platform.
Submit your RSS feed as a form: https://help.tunein.com/contact/add-podcast-S19TR3Sdf
Amazon Alexa’s Flash Briefing
This requires some comfort with technology, but follow the guidelines and you will be able to get your podcast added easily.
Why you should add your podcast to Alexa Flash Briefing and News Skills, even if you’ve added your show to the Amazon Music Directory:
It plays automatically when the person adds your show to their Flash Briefing (automatically increasing overall download numbers)
It makes it easier for the listener to stay on top of your new episodes
Perfect for podcasts names that aren’t easy to pronounce, or complicated to say in one sitting.
I’ve had a look at the documentation, and seems like it’s an easier process, as they offer 3 different ways to get your podcast added: https://www.developer.amazon.com/en-US/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/get-deeper/flash-briefing-news-skills
For most people, you’ll want to use the last one, ‘Flash briefing Blueprint’, so you can add your podcast easily just by following their prompts.
YouTube Podcasts
Podcasts can be added in three ways:
Auto-publish directly from your podcast hosting platform
Upload RSS feed (audio-only)
Create Podcast Playlist and add new or older videos to it
Add your show, by clicking on the + Create button here: https://youtube.com
And there you have it - the top podcast directories you should consider adding your podcast to right now, depending on the habits of your ideal audience.
Not sure which ones to focus on? I’d love to spend an hour answering your questions to help you get this year off to a strong start!