Learn how to pronounce any name using a secret LinkedIn feature

If you scout the internet for Podcast fails, I can assure you that about half of those will be about technical mishaps, and a quarter of those will be about some embarrassing moment like calling the guest the wrong name, or just being physically unable to pronounce their name.

Well my friend, welcome to lesson 1 of Podcasting - do the upfront work, and take your time to do the research. In my many years as a Podcast Producer and Host I’ve seen it happen countless times (and honestly, I have also experienced it myself), and it’s always a bit cringy to experience it. As a foreigner living in America, I am often on the other side of it - people genuinely want to pronounce my name correctly, but many struggle with the complex phonetics of the Portuguese language (Who would think that an A could be pronounced in so many ways?!). Nevertheless, the intention is there, but that got me thinking: how can the process be streamlined and readily available?

Enter: The LinkedIn Method

This one is still a bit of a hidden gem: LinkedIn has launched a feature to help job seekers, recruiters, hiring managers or other professionals learn how to pronounce each other’s name. This is like striking gold: who better to pronounce their name than the individual themself?

You can save the video below and send it over to your guests- it will show that you care, and they’ll be impressed with your tech skills!

Many Podcasters struggle with getting their name pronounced correctly by others, either because the spelling is unusual, or because they're foreigner (just l...

Once the name has been added, your profile will look like this:

LinkedIn pronounciation tool.jpg

It’s really helpful but the only con seems to be exclusively available if you’re logged in on the platform.

Pro Tip: If your guest isn’t on LinkedIn, ask them to send you a voice memo.

P.S.: Now, go ahead and add your OWN name pronunciation!

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