47. How to read podcast analytics like a pro so you can grow your podcast

If I were to ask you, β€˜what do you think about when I mention podcast analytics?’

If your first answer was, well, obviously podcast downloads, well, you wouldn't be alone. Most podcasters think that way. But the reality is that podcast downloads don't share the whole story. When you've been podcasting for a while, it can feel like there's so much that you don't know about your audience. What is actually working? What isn't? And how to turn those listeners into paying customers or a supportive community. In this episode, we will dive deep into podcast analytics and explore why they are so much more than just download numbers. We will discuss why understanding podcast analytics is crucial for your podcast's success and how you can leverage this data to grow your audience and achieve your podcasting goals.

How to read podcast analytics to grow your business and show

One of the biggest misconceptions about podcast analytics is that they only reflect the number of downloads an episode receives. While downloads are an essential metric to track, they don't provide the complete picture. Podcast analytics can give you insights into who your listeners are, how long they listen to each episode, and which episodes perform the best.

By understanding these analytics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your audience. Instead of blindly creating content and hoping for the best, you can make informed decisions based on real data. This data allows you to tailor your content to your audience's preferences, improving engagement and increasing the likelihood of them becoming loyal listeners.

One crucial aspect of podcast analytics is episode performance. By analyzing the performance of each episode, you can identify trends and patterns. This data can help you understand which topics resonate the most with your audience and which episodes generate the most engagement.

For example, suppose you notice that episodes where you interview industry experts tend to perform better than solo episodes. In that case, you can focus on creating more interview-based episodes to cater to your audience's preferences. Similarly, if you find that shorter episodes receive more listens than longer ones, you can adjust the length of your episodes accordingly.

Analysing Podcast data: Listener behavior

Another valuable insight that podcast analytics can provide is listener behavior. By analyzing which episodes listeners engage with the most and how long they listen to each episode, you can gain insights into their preferences and interests. This data can help you fine-tune your content strategy and create episodes that resonate with your audience on a deeper level.

It's also important to note that podcast analytics can reveal blind spots in your content strategy. You may discover that certain topics or formats that you hadn't considered before perform exceptionally well. These insights can guide you in creating new content that caters to your audience's interests and helps you stand out in a crowded podcasting landscape.

To make the most of podcast analytics, it's essential to use the right tools and platforms. There are several podcast hosting platforms that provide detailed analytics, including information about downloads, listener demographics, and listener behavior. Make sure to leverage these platforms to gather the data you need to make informed decisions. Apple Podcasts and Spotify for Podcasters have their own dedicated dashboards which provide additional information about consumption data, graphs and more.

In conclusion, podcast analytics are a powerful tool for podcasters. They provide valuable insights into your audience's preferences, behavior, and engagement. By analyzing this data and making data-driven decisions, you can optimize your content strategy, grow your audience, and achieve your podcasting goals.

Remember, podcasting is not just about creating content; it's about building a meaningful connection with your audience. Utilize podcast analytics to deepen this connection and create content that truly resonates with your listeners.

Takeaways from the episode:

  • 00:00 Introduction to Podcast Analytics

  • 00:24 Understanding Your Podcast Audience

  • 01:14 The Importance of Podcast Analytics

  • 01:23 The Reality of the Podcasting Industry

  • 02:06 The Power of Podcast Analytics

  • 03:59 Understanding Podcast Trends

  • 05:47 Identifying Winning Topics

  • 06:29 The Role of Episode Length

  • 07:44 Understanding Your Listeners

  • 08:22 Recognizing Blind Spots

  • 09:46 The Excitement of Spotify Wrapped

  • 10:56 Finding Podcast Data

  • 18:54 The Relationship Between Marketing and Content Growth

  • 20:47 Understanding Your Listeners' Devices

  • 22:54 Closing Remarks and Invitation to Work Together

Additional episodes mentioned in this show:

Resources mentioned in the episode:

πŸ’Έ Affiliate links:

Captivate.fm (Best Podcast Hosting platform)- https://bit.ly/3ZFbvjQ

Riverside.fm (Record high-quality interviews)- https://bit.ly/46C7A9E

Custom Neon (Neon sign) - 10% OFF https://bit.ly/48G5Aiq use code THEPODCASTSPACE10 

Podium (AI copywriter for podcast show notes)- https://bit.ly/40A3nBT


48. Super Podcast Episodes: what are they and why they matter in content strategy


46. How to overcome perfectionism as a podcaster: ego vs content value