Launch an Impactful Podcast

Create a successful, strategic, and sustainable podcast

Become the go-to expert and learn how to create a dream show that audiences rave about, all without creator overwhelm.

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Who this course is for

  • Professionals who are tech-savvy or have a team to execute on the technical side of launching a podcast.

  • Impact-driven individuals who know they have a message and aren't afraid to take space in the world.

  • Entrepreneurs who understand content marketing is part of a successful business.

  • Professionals who want to launch a podcast in under 60 days.

In this self-paced course made specifically for creatives, you’ll learn how to

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    Strategically position the podcast in your overall marketing and business content plan.

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    Pick which podcast formats best suit your personal and business goals.

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    Plan your first 15-30 episodes to launch a show without overwhelm.

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    Create a successful and sustainable podcast that is exciting and manageable for you and your community.

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    Harness your strengths and differentiators to create a unique podcast that listeners rave about.

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    Craft your ideal listener profile so that you know exactly who you’re talking to.

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    Understand which podcasting basics grow your downloads and influence long-term.

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    Create an episode format that maximizes listener retention, and incentivizes bingeable behaviors.

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    Create your podcast's identity (name, tagline, mission, description and keywords).

I can't wait to hear you say the words, β€˜I get it now!’

I’ve been passionate about helping podcasters create the right strategy for their show ever since…well, ever since I started working with podcasters over 15 years ago! 

Having seen firsthand how podcasting can change the lives and businesses of podcasters, I know how important this is for you.

I also know how excited you are to share your message with the world. 

It's time to stop feeling like everyone else but you has a podcast!

Everything I’ve learned and tested is right here for you to take. You can propel your podcast to a new level of success!

Join me in the course, and learn how to launch a strategic, successful and sustainable podcast without overwhelm!

β€” Ana X.

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